ФГБОУ ВО СЗГМУ им. И.И.Мечникова Минздрава России

Contest Regulations

Technical support for the Contest is provided via the Telegram channel.
Organized by:
North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

  • Medical College No. 1, Moscow;
  • Russian Society for Simulation Education in Medicine, All-Russia Public Organization;
  • North-West Society of Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists;
  • Russian Society of Cardiology, St. Petersburg Branch;
  • Association of General Practitioners (Family Doctors) of the Russian Federation, All-Russia Public Organization.

Applications for participation must be submitted by March 7, 2025, 17:00 (Moscow time) via the provided link.
Before the Contest begins, participants will have the opportunity to take a practice test to familiarize themselves with the platform and electronic resources.
The Contest will take place online from March 25 to March 27, 2025, consisting of three stages:
«Clinical Reasoning Assessment»
«Practical Skills in Simulated Conditions»
«Multilevel Clinical Case – Patient Code»
To access the tasks, participants must use the login credentials sent to their registered email.

Stage 1: «Clinical Reasoning Assessment»

  • Conducted individually through the university's distance learning system (link sent by email).
  • Participants must solve 60 case-based tasks in 60 minutes.

Stage 2: «Practical Skills in Simulated Conditions»

  • Conducted individually using the RUМЕДИУС virtual screen-based simulator (link sent by email).
  • Participants must complete 3 clinical scenarios in a virtual simulation environment within 60 minutes (20 minutes per case).

Stage 3: «Multilevel Clinical Case – Patient Code» (Optional – results do not affect the winners' ranking)

  • Conducted individually through the university's distance learning system (link sent by email).
  • Participants work on an emergency clinical case.
  • 12 minutes per case.